What We Do

X-Net provides a broad range of services, delivered through our technical teams, subject matter experts, and senior consultants.

Given that some of our work is in the Law Enforcement, National Security and Defence sectors, the best path is to engage with us first, to understand your requirements.

For our Internet based services, we work with both Public and Private sector clients, that range from central government departments and local councils, through to local SMEs.

Some of the technologies we work with include 5G, IoT, cyber ranges, and virtualisation platforms.

What we do can be broken down into the following areas.


X-Net has a proud history of working collaboratively with defence, law enforcement, national security, and other government organisations. With our team of expert consultants, we been enabling the development of new and exciting capabilities that help keep the British public safer. But it’s not just our expertise that sets us apart…

We don’t employ a ‘land and expand’ approach like many other consultancies. Instead, X-Net works with clients to break down their needs and ensure delivery meets their objectives and requirements. And that’s why clients stay with us, and continually recommend us.

Our consulting services include:

  • Strategic development of operating models & business cases.
  • Service implementation & management.
  • Supplier & contract management.
  • Business analysis and change.
  • Consultancy for emerging technologies & the delivery of e-business & e-commerce solutions.
  • Bid management & bidding into Government.
  • Running & advising project/ programme management.
  • Exploitation & development of internet/intranet technologies.
  • Scoping/ developing/ reviewing IS strategies based on business needs.
  • Telecommunications aspects of departmental IS strategy.
  • The development & implementation of Service Management strategies & solutions.
  • Technical infrastructure architecture and design.
  • Technical reviews and risk assessments for large-scale projects including formal Gateway and Peer Reviews.


Running our own data centre, X-Net can provide basic Internet services as needed by most businesses such as hosting, global domain names registration including .gov.uk, fixed line connectivity, through to bespoke architecture for more complex needs.

We continue to provide our e-mango branded Membership Platform, for membership organisations to manage website and database in an integrated solution, and also websites to local councils.

Under the Datacenta Hosting brand, services such as website hosting, email hosting, virtual servers, and domain name registration are provided to private and public sector clients.


There is an increasing call to create working models based on available and emerging technologies whilst applying minimal configuration or integration changes, either as part of research and development, or for meeting a tactical and immediate need.

We can construct physical simulations of urban environments for training exercises, as well as access to the domains of land, sea and air for more secure testing.


How do we take the findings and results from experimentation and innovation in a rapidly changing world, and gain the best value? This requires the expertise, support mechanisms and access to the right partners in order to create new businesses or even new sectors.